Wednesday 21 December 2011

I am December Lucky Lady

21/12/12 好开心,一切都心想事成,连想吃一个晚餐大家都那么成全。几天想吃Penang Laksa,本来昨约好要吃shusi的友人就打来要更改晚餐地点刚巧就到我要吃Penang Laksa的餐厅去。

Tuesday 6 September 2011

I am September lucky girl

Nothing is impossible because I'm possible.
3 September 2011 I am lucky.I had a very relax and enjoy langkauwi trip.We had 80% discount of the five star hotel.All of us had free hotel breakfast.I had the free transport and free for sky ski section.
5 September 2011 I am lucky.My cousin able to fetch me from hometown went back to Kuala Lumpur.Free dinner treat by my cousin.
20 September 2011 today I just feel like will have free dinner tonight.During dinner time my manager buy me a nasi uduk.
23 September 2011 I had a free local brand burger for lunch.

Friday 2 September 2011

A Amazing World

After lunch I had a 10 minute free 3D movie with colleague at a mall.

When I was a little girl.The 3D movie is very expensive. At that time,only can watch 3D movie in Genting Highland.When I visited Genting Highland was no more 3D movie because they cannot effort for the expense.I knew from friend 3D movie is very fantastic the object in TV is like real can come out from TV.On that time,since Genting Highland no more 3D movie and the nearest place to watch 3D movie is at Singapore.Because of that I did not have chance and never watch 3D movie.

Today 3D movie is at most cinema and also 3D movie at home.The world is so Amazing just the 15 years different the world is improve so much.

why today facebook so popular? I am so excited to share my photo with friend in facebook and blog.This is because of the world is different,because of the technology.Today we have digital camera with affordable price.Everywhere have internet connection and everyone is easy to take a photo to share.

With the technology today we are lucky.We can enjoy a lot of free thing online and also free learning.The generation now are so lucky.Wish all of us were happy.

Wednesday 31 August 2011


Manglish Vs English . I agree with this video so I need to learn a standard English.
























Tuesday 30 August 2011

爱的小岛 LOVE Island


欣慰有这班朋友。他们知道我没去过浮罗交夷。我只是问问,有去过最出名的Mahsuri Monument吗?有人回答没什么特别如果你没去过我们可以去看看。就懂我心意。要乘飞机或自己驾车去。我说自己驾车好可以观赏风景又可以到Kuala Kedah. 二话不说好我们驾车去。其实有点感动。

huihoo! 浮罗交夷我来了.

Saturday 20 August 2011


刚出来社会工作时也认识了一位朋友,看她每天也是那么开心。就问她开心的秘诀。她说爸爸是位残疾人士没能力工作。妈妈的家人一直反对妈妈嫁给爸爸。从小就遭到他人的白眼。 原来经历让人变得乐观。
那个窗户里面,他们小小的幸福 - 曾经居人篱下,住在那大大的大屋里但感觉不到一点点的温暖,夜里想家时就望着对面的公寓,窗户里的小灯让我感觉温暖那小小的幸福。这也是多年来我一直在寻找的幸福。
小猫写给小古:这些妓女都做过,最后也没有谁跟谁因此而在一起。 女人要学会自爱。
我们一起来面对。我们是一家人。 我喜欢这一句也喜欢他们四人的关系。这样的家人第一号家人。
在这里分享这篇文章请点击阅读 你的老公/老婆是同性恋? 希望社会不要歧视减少连累的受害人。

Thursday 4 August 2011

7 Ways To Love Yourself

Take a quick look around the personal development world and you quickly find hundreds of amazing articles that aim to help you in getting the most out of your day. You’ll find ways to change the world, how to quit your day job, dads with a passion for writing, and loads of other advice from awesome individuals. Over the past few years ,I’ve literally read hundreds of blogs and in the process have grown a tremendous amount.

Despite all the tips and life hacks out there, I think the base of personal development comes down to something simpler: How much do you love yourself? I’m not talking about the kind of egotistical love based purely on pleasure and fame, but rather I’m talking about the strength of your relationship with yourself. Today I’d like to share with you 7 ways to love yourself and help you plugin to your identity.

Forgive Yourself and Forgive other

I’ve gone through a period of my life where I was extremely hard on myself. Every little mistake I made, I quickly amplified it into something much larger than it really was. I didn’t realize it at the time, but the fact that I didn’t forgive myself was preventing me from connecting with who I really was.

I know people who have carried their mistakes with them their entire life, and as result they remain unhappy at the core. I know what it’s like to make a mistake and feel like you shouldn’t be forgiven, but that kind of thinking is nonsense. There is no action not worthy of forgiveness. Forgiveness may take time, but don’t look back at your mistakes as a fatal flaw you must fix, instead choose to embrace them completely as the whole person you are.

Forgiving yourself for your mistakes and shortcomings can be difficult and does take practice, but it remains essential in loving yourself fully.

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

I’m just as guilty as the next person in this area, for this is something that I too am struggling with even today. But as I’ve come to realize the more you compare yourself to others the less self worth you place on yourself.

When I became the main writer of this blog back in early February, I was somewhat insecureas to how I was going to be received. Taking over one of the most popular personal development blogs in the world is no easy feat, especially when Glen provided so much value day in and day out.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have moments where I would compare myself to the past successes of Glen and PluginID, which as I soon found out was a stupid and pointless. It was because of writing this article that I came to understand how foolish it is to compare yourself to others. Only when you stop comparing yourself to others can then you then begin to love yourself. I think it’s ironic how easily this article has ‘flown’ :)

Stop Seeking Approval

Seeking approval is similar to comparing yourself to others, and it’s fair to say that we all do it from time to time. I’m not going to lie and say I’ve never sought approval from my family or friends, but I’m also going to tell you that when approval was my main focus those were also not the happiest times in my life.

Over the past year or so I’ve come to realize that my career path probably won’t be the most accepted by my friends and family, that is I want to be an entrepreneur, a writer, and a public speaker. Yet, I’ve come to discover that when you continuously seek approval from others to validate your own self worth, you’re simply damaging yourself relationship with yourself. I’ve accepted that my line of work might not be the ‘safest’ but I’m OK with that.

Not seeking approval doesn’t mean to not care. I can say without hesitation that I genuinely care about what my family and friends think, however it’s important you stop the process ofseeking. When you rely on being happy from an outside source your setting yourself up to be miserable.

Believe In Yourself

Loving and believing in yourself go hand in hand. You can’t love yourself if you don’t believe in yourself, and you can’t believe in yourself if you don’t love yourself first. To fully experience what it means to live you must have a confidence in all you do, even during the times in which you come up short.

Believing in yourself can be hard at times, especially when nothing seems to be going right, but it is during those times that you need your own love the most.The wonderful about believing in yourself is that you are the only one responsible. You don’t need a stamp of approval before you can to begin to have faith in yourself.

Trust in your judgement and know that through both the good and bad you are worthy.

Practice Silence

Some of my happiest moments have occurred when I’m simply sitting in silence by myself. While I can be a very social person at times, I also need to have my alone time. For me, this sometimes means meditation, or sometimes I’ll just go for a long walk. Practicing silence allows for you to get a glimpse of the person you really are.

I know the act of practicing silence may not qualify as love for some people,but I feel I’m most connected with myself spiritually when I’m still. While I don’t resonate fully with any one particular religion, I’ve had my most spiritual moments when I’m sitting in complete silence.

Practicing silence allows for you to turn off all that chatter and self doubt and directly experience the bliss of being alive. You owe it to yourself to be silent at least once a day.

Eat Healthy And Exercise

Part of loving yourself is allowing your body to be in its top form. An occasional indulgence in alcohol or some fast food isn’t the end of the in the world but making a habit of destroying your body is. Many don’t realize, but your relationship to your physical body and mind is veryimportant.

Truly loving yourself means that you take care of your body and do everything you can to keep it in good shape, both physically and mentally. Don’t expect to have a good relationship with yourself if you abuse the machine consistently.

A few weeks ago I realized that I wasn’t taking as much care of my body as I should be, so I committed to going to the gym 5 days a week. While it’s only been a few weeks, I’ve already noticed the benefits of going to the gym and eating healthy. Small steps make a massive difference.

Express Yourself

One of the greatest ways you can love yourself is to express your gifts, whatever they may be. Finding and honing your brilliance is a way to reveal what it is that makes you remarkable. Do you enjoy to write? Share your stories with the world. Do you like to draw? Paint until your hearts content. Do you like helping people find their purpose? Do so by connecting with as many people as you can. It doesn’t matter what your passions are,express them to the best of your ability.

Unfortunately, Some people chose not to express their talents and passions because they feel as if they might get ridiculed or made fun of. But the reality is, failing to express yourself is failing to love yourself. Loving yourself comes down to expression.

Are you able to express your beauty within? As one of my favorite runners Steve Prefontaine once said, ” To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.”

Loving Yourself

If you really want to change the world, if you really want to experience that life you’ve always desired, you must first love yourself fully, because all the advice in the world won’t matter if you don’t.

It won’t always be be easy, but your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have. Make each day a day in which you continue to deepen your relationship with yourself and experience the life you know you were meant to live. The world depends on you to love yourself.

I love myself.

The more important question is, do you? Click here for the source.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

A wonderful month, A brand new start, I am August lucky girl 2011

01 August 2011 - My Manager treated me a nice dinner at 'Din Tai Fung' :)
08 August 2011 - I able to get the flight and bus ticket which match my schedule.
10 August 2011 - Brother gave me few free USB drives which I just need it :)
13 August 2011 - My Indonesia local friend treated me a nice breakfast and a nice foot message at a new opening foot message center.Nice environment and good service. ^^
30 August 2011 - Today is public holiday,I received a wake up call said that buying me a breakfast.Thank Pak Kat brought me a breakfast.

Saturday 9 July 2011

I am July lucky girl 2011


11-07-11 today is Saturday, I went to office for work, usually weekend is hard to find taxi at my working area. I need walked to the building near by to get a taxi.I am lucky,when the time I went down from office a taxi was there waiting for me. My colleague treated me a mineral water.

25-07-11 I got a 50% discount of new android smart phone and free for one year data plan.

26-07-11 去买衣服,有50%折扣,我就问销售员已经有折扣50%了我的会员的10%还有折扣吗?她回答:没有。


27-07-11 I had a free company dinner at Shang-ri Hotel Jakarta.

29-07-11 My boss treated me a dinner.We are lucky while we walked around to find a taxi to go home, a taxi came and offered to fetch us went home.

Everything think at positive way the world is beautiful.Everything is perfect.

Sunday 3 July 2011


4。my neighbor offer me to send me to train station.I am lucky girl.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Darling, I Love You...

真实的故事有一对夫妇在婚后十一年生了一个男孩,夫妻恩爱,男孩自然是二人的至宝。男孩两岁的某一天,丈夫在出门上班之际,看到桌上有一药瓶打开了,不过因为赶时间,他只扬声妻子把药瓶收好,然后就关上门上班去。妻子在厨房忙得团团转,就忘了丈夫的叮嘱。男孩拿药瓶,觉得好奇,又被药水的颜色所吸引,于是一饮而尽。药水成份厉害,即使成人服用也只能用少量。男孩OD值(过量服药过量),被送到医院后,返魂乏术。妻子被事实吓呆了,不知如何面对丈夫紧张的父亲赶到医院,得知噩耗非常伤心,看儿子的尸体,望了妻子一眼,然后说了四个字你猜这丈夫说了四个什么字答案是:。。!?“我爱你,亲爱的!“这反应是积极的(即反过来控制局面,而不被局面控制)。作者亦盛赞这丈夫是人类关系的天才,因为儿子的死已成事实,再吵再骂也不会改变事实,只惹来更多的伤心,而且不只自己失去儿子,妻子也失去儿子。这故事,彰显人类选择的自我层次,同一件不幸事你可以怨天尤人,痛骂社会,甚至自责无穷,但事情却不因这些而改变,这一切只改变了你和日后的生活,负着疤痕的活下去。反之,放下怨恨和惧怕,放下过去,勇敢的活下去,事情的境况原来并不如想像中坏,这就是作者所说的积极主动的行为,也就是我们所说的由人转境,而不是被外界事物牵着走。很简短的故事,但是,有多少人能做到呢?当我看到那句'我爱你,亲爱的! '的时候,心中感概万千......多么简单的一句话,但要有多久的修练,多大的包容,多深的人生智慧,才能在那种时刻说出如此令人动容的一句话。每个人都有不想让人所知的不幸事,自己选择了什么方式去面对,又怎么去面对未来,以及周边的人事物...与你分享也祝福顺心喜乐!1。遇到你真的爱的人时努力争取和他相伴一生的机会!因为当他离去时。一切都来不及了.... 2。遇到可相信的朋友时要好好和他相处下去因为在人的一生中。可遇到知己真的不易3。遇到人生中的贵人时要记得好好感激因为他是你人生的转折点4 。遇到曾经爱过的人时记得微笑向他感激因为他是让你更懂爱的人5。遇到曾经恨过的人时要微笑向他打招呼因为他让你更加坚强6。遇到曾经背叛你的人时要跟他好好聊一聊因为若不是他今天你不会懂这世界7。遇到曾经偷偷喜欢的人时要祝他幸福唷!因为你喜欢他时。不是希望他幸福快乐吗?8。遇到匆匆离开你人生的人时要谢谢他走过你的人生因为他是你精采回忆的一部分9。遇到曾经和你有误会的人时要趁现在澄清误会因为你可能只有这一次机会解释清楚10遇到现在的伴侣要百分百感谢他爱你因为你们现在都得到幸福和真爱推荐这篇百看不厌的文章心若改变,你的态度跟着改变;。!态度改变,你的习惯跟着改变;习惯改变,你的性格跟着改变,性格改变,你的人生跟着改变在顺境中感恩,在逆境中依旧心存喜乐,认真活在当下。。

Tuesday 18 January 2011



Sunday 2 January 2011

Happy New Year 2011
